Webinar on
Experiences in
exploiting monitoring and control
for the improvement in
crisp quality control
Montague, CPI Professor of Bioprocessing at the National Horizons Centre,
Teesside University
Alberto Fiore, Professor of Food
Chemistry and Technology, Abertay University
February 2025 at 3pm (UK time)
This webinar will describe the
research and industrial applications undertaken within an Innovate UK supported
project considering the improvement in crisp quality control. Motivated by
concerns over the last two decades of high levels of acrylamide in food
products, the study set out to drive down the concentrations resulting from the
frying of crisps. While a simple objective can be stated, achieving reductions
is more complex requiring a broad ranging consideration from potato variety and
growth conditions to the impacts of processing in the manufacturing line.
The webinar will focus on the
manufacturing aspects of the study. Measurement of acrylamide is challenging
online due to low but impactful ppb concentration levels. The state of the art in on and offline
measurement will be described. Processing considerations will address line
operation, data gathering and changes to control policy to reduce the likely
occurrence of acrylamide. Spin-off benefits arising from these control
considerations will be described.
As with all research projects,
initial objectives and final deliverables can be subject to change as
interesting research finding arise. The webinar will tell the story of how
industrial benefits arose and how the team needed to be flexible and responsive
to opportunity.
This webinar will last no longer
than one hour.
To register please contact Christine.stevenson@strath.ac.uk